This post was originally created by MomTrusted here Glittery Spider Web Craft
Whether you’re looking for a fun fall activity or something to accompany a spider study, these spider webs will be just the thing.
You will need liquid glue, wax paper, and glitter.
Trace the shape of your spider web on the wax paper. Make sure your lines are thick and solid; some of the ones you see here weren’t sturdy enough to make it. Also make sure all your lines are connected.
Sprinkle glitter all over the glue. Pick up the wax paper and shake it gently back and forth to make sure the glue is completely covered. Lay flat in a safe, dry place and wait for it to dry.
Now comes the tricky part. Carefully peel the dried glue-and-glitter webs off of the wax paper, working around the edges and moving inward.
Ta-da! You have a spider web. Hang it on the wall somewhere!
See hundreds of other family projects and activities here.
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